As seasons come, and seasons go,
With summer's rain and winter's snow,
The best time in the year I know
Is blossom time.
What other beauty can compete
With orchard trees all dressed so neat,
And springtime air so fresh and sweet
At blossom time?
What other scenery is so rare
As apple blossoms, peach and pear,
And countless other trees so fair
At blossom time?
Old Mother Nature sure is grand
Whene'er she waves her magic wand
To spread such beauty o'er the land
At blossom time.
The ripening fruit we soon shall see
And ripe red cherries on the tree,
But first there always has to be
A blossom time.
How blind to nature must we be
If, when th blossom's on the tree
We cannot some real beauty see
At blossom time.
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