When the herald of morn
Pipes a new day just born,
And the curtain of night fades away;
When Old Sol in his might
So majestic and bright
From the east sends his first cheering ray,
As the dawn breaks before us
Earth joins in the chorus
To welcome another new day.
When the curtain of night
Shrouds this earth from our sight,
And the stars from their canopies peep;
With the sun sank to rest
And each bird in it's nest,
As wild beasts through the deep forest creep;
While all nature's reclining,
And evening star shining,
Creation it's vigil will keep.
When the midnight moon beams,
And we're deep in our dreams,
While the earth speeds us on to'ards the sun;
As the morning star rise
In the far eastern skies,
Proclaiming the night's course has run,
As the dawn breaks before us
Earth joins in the chorus
To welcome the new day begun.
March, 1951
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