The month of May is passing on,
And far too brief her stay will be;
O'er hill and dale her magic wand
Has beautified each flower and tree.
The earth attires in dress of sheen
In May, the month of vernal spring,
As Zephyrs whisper in the trees,
And song birds in unison sing.
She tiptoes through the tulips fair,
Bestows sweet essence on each flower;
And through the glen and in the dell
We trace her in each leafy bower.
Fair May thou art a welcome guest,
O linger; whey depart so soon?
We'll say adieu as you pass on
To be replaced by sunny June.
And when another spring arrive,
Again you'll be a welcome guest;
You bring new hope, new life, new charm,
And leaves this fair land at it's best.
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