When the dawn, replacing light
Ushers in a new born day,
All the stars that shone so bright
Fades before the sun's bright ray;
'Though from sight they disappear,
Yet unseen, they still are there.
When dark clouds obscure the sky
Blotting out it's azure blue,
Watch for cloud rifts then on high,
And the sunlight streaming through;
O'er head still the sun shines bright
'Though unseen by mortal's sight.
When we think of days gone by
While we were so young and free,
Memories that will not die
Often shares our company;
Friends long vanished from our view
'Though unseen seems near to you.
When some trouble comes our way,
And besetting ills are rife,
When the cares of every day
Dims the sunlight of our life;
'Though our way seems dark and drear,
God unseen is always near.