The winter's going; let it go,
We're getting tired of frost and snow,
And longs to feel the south winds blow
In summer time.
It will b e a change from snow and sleet
The icy walks and snow blocked street,
To swelter in the sultry heat
In summer time.
And when it's ninety in the shade,
We'll pant, and quaff cold lemonade,
And think of nice cool days we had
In winter time.
We never know from day to day
What tricks the weather man will play,
He keeps us guessing all the way
In every clime.
We discuss the weather quite a lot
When it is cold, or much too hot,
But cannot alter it one jot
At any time.
In winter time we shovel snow,
In summer, weeds and grass we mow;
It really keeps us on the go
Most all the time.
March 8, 1947
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