Bean Town is just a village small
With just one street it's thoroughfare,
But if you chance to pass that way
You'll always find a welcome there.
Joe Banks who keeps the general store
Sells everything from soup to shoes,
And men folk after chores are done,
Keeps 'droppin' in to hear the news.
They sit around the heated stove,
Plays checkers and discuss the crop,
And always there's an atmosphere
Of friendliness in that old shop.
They are good neighbours young and old,
And each know how his neighbour 'stand',
If some misfortune comes his way,
They'll try and help him to a man.
Beantown may seem a sleepy place,
But if you walk along it's street,
You'll find it has a goodly store
Of friendliness that's hard to beat.
November, 1948