Great Pilot of the restless sea
By Thee were all our fathers led,
Grant me success from day to day,
That I may earn my daily bread.
'Twas in a little fishing boat
Close by the shores of Galilee,
Where Thou once sat and taught the folk,
And humble fishermen like me.
And on the Galilean sea
When winds blew strong and waves raged high,
Thou hear Thy faint disciples call,
And answered "Fear not, it is I."
Protect me through the gloomy night
When skies above are overcast,
My little boat it seems so small
Upon Thine ocean wide and vast.
Strengthen my will when toil seems vain,
Uphold me when my courage fail,
And may I hear they still small voice
Both in the calm and raging gale.
And when at last my voyage is done,
When my last fishing trip is o'er,
Then master as I hear the strand
May I behold thee on the shore.
Then pilot me safe home at last
Into that Port of quiet rest,
Where I shall find safe anchorage
From every storm that cause unrest.
September, 1945
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