Through all our days while life shall last
We'll have our expectations,
However noble be our task.
Or lowly be our stations;
Whatever talent we possess
Sometimes we'll fail to meet success
In all our life's vocations.
We often fail to do our best,
Despite our best endeavour,
While others always pass the test,
Although they seem less clever;
Then in discouragement may say,
"Why is it that I toil each day,
And meet with failure ever?"
It's then we need more courage, and
Stedfast determination,
To carry on, to work and plan
To reach our estimation;
And having done our very best,
Our work may be crowned with success
Beyond our expectation.
So let us strive and never shirk
To do what is worth trying,
We'll find more pleasure in our work,
Less time for mournful sighing,
And when our call will come to rest,
Then having done our very best,
'Twill comfort us in dying.
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