Dear Lord and Saviour, hear our humble prayer,
We seek They guidance through a world of sin;
Be Thou our strength, and shield from every snare,
From foes without, and lurking fears within.
No goodness of our own have we to please,
We are not worthy of they mercies, Lord;
But Thou will hear the prayers of those in need,
As Thou has promised in They faithful Word.
We pray for those in trouble, and distress,
And weary souls all longing to be free;
May they at last repose in peaceful rest,
And find their consummation, Lord in thee.
For those we pray who falter on life's way,
And find their daily cross so hard to bear;
O keep, and guide them to a better day,
And grant them rest and peace from toil, and care.
We pray for faith to chase all gloom, and doubt,
And hope to trust Thee through all earthly life;
For perfect love that will all fears cast out,
A threefold strength to shield us in the strife.
And when at last our course on earth is run,
Dear Father may we find our rest in Thee;
And dwell forever with they blessed Son,
And Holy Spirit through eternity.
January, 1943
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