I do not wish
To know what waits around the bend
Of this life's road on which I wearily wend,
There'll be safe lodgings at its farther end
When day is done.
I do not ask
Or yearn to know what lies before,
Or what each day in future have in store;
But when at last this pilgrimage is o'er
I'll understand.
I would not choose
To journey through this world again,
Amidst discomfort, weariness and pain;
But life is sweet, and here I shall remain
Until life's end.
I dare not choose
My path I tread from day to day,
'Though oft I fain would choose some smoother way;
But trusting to a greater Strength I'll say
Thy will be done.
I'll ask no favours when at last my score
Is added up, but this I will implore,
For just a humble place, just 'round the door
Of God's great love.
May 9, 1951
I am so touched by this poem. The strength behind the simplicity and humility adds up to an incredible beauty of voice.
Thank you for showcasing your grandfather's work and enabling him to live on.
Thank you, Anonymous. Your comment means a lot to me.
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