Ring out ye bells across the sky,
Peal forth your message loud and clear;
The Yuletide season's drawing nigh,
A season of goodwill and cheer.
It's nigh two thousand years ago,
Since humble shepherds in the glen
Heard seraphs from the starlight glow
Sing "Peace on earth, goodwill to men."
"I bring good tidings of great joy;"
This message thrilled the shepherds ears,
From herald angels hovering night,
And it was echoed through the years.
And soon throughout all Christendom,
The story will again be told,
How wise men guided by a star,
Brought gifts with incense, myrrh and gold.
So may we all our homage pay
With one accord glad tributes bring;
May young and old on Christmas day,
Proclaim the birthday of their King.
December, 1947