Monday, March 26, 2007


These early gifts I ask, from day to day;
To dwell in peace, to have a home, and hearth,
A will to live, and free to tread this earth,
And help my fellow man in some small way.

These early gifts I ask; good neighbours, and
True friends, who will not shun me if I fail,
A quiet street, with homes where love prevail;
All speaking in the tongue I understand.

These earthly gifts I ask; a garden plot
Behind my cottage, where in leisure hours,
I'll hoe the weeds, and cultivate fair flowers,
And live in peace, contented with my lot.

These earthly gifts I ask; a rod, and line,
And casting for the trout in stream, or brook,
And landing speckled beauties with my hook;
Is this too much to ask, this wish of mine?

These earthly gifts I ask; each day to be
A little wiser than the day before;
To take a page each day from wisdom's lore,
And learn something worth while; be this my plea.

These earthly gifts I ask; a conscience clear
That will not mar my peace of mind each day,
To live in honest life, my simple way,
And harm no man; this is my earnest prayer.

May, 1944

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