It was a bright cold winter's day
When snow lay on the ground,
And the earth lay 'neath it's mantle
For many miles around.
A little flock of sparrows
Came fluttering through the air;
And soon they all were busy
Pecking bread crumbs scattered near.
And then one little fellow
More braver than the rest,
Came hopping up towards me,
And this was his address.
"I am only a little sparrow,
A bird of low degree;
And my food is sometimes scanty,
But there's One who cares for me."
"He gave me a coat of feathers,
They are very fine I know,
For they keeps me warm in winter
When the wintry winds do blow."
"He sees each fallen sparrow,
And hears their plaintive cry;
He counts us all each evening
When night is drawing nigh."
"Our earthly friends show kindness,
And strew bread crumbs around;
They pity us poor sparrows
When snow lies on the ground."
"My little heart is grateful
For food that's given free,
I know my feathered cousins
All think the same as me."
"Although I'm not a songster
I'll do the best I can,
To cheer you up each morning
When spring smiles on the land."
And when their meal was ended
Back to the eave they flew;
They all were filled and happy,
And it made me happy too.
January, 1946
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