Did you ever stop to ponder
What a housewife has to do?
Many are her household duties,
And I'll try to name a few.
She is up betimes each morning
And the breakfast she prepare,
Ready for her daily routine,
And another day of care.
Washing, ironing, knitting, sewing,
Bringing groceries from the store.
Baking, scrubbing, sweeping, dusting,
Shaking rugs 'til arms are sore.
Answering phone calls, and the door bell
Keeps her running to and fro,
Breadman, milkman, boy with paper
All comes looking for their 'dough'.
Chasing dust with vacuum cleaner,
Sweeping up the basement floor,
Brushing leaves from off the pavement,
Cleaning brasswork on the door.
Nursing Junior through his illness
Making up the family beds,
Cleaning paintwork, washing dishes,
Listening when the postman treads.
Getting ready for some social,
Or Red Cross work she may do,
Working for the church's needy
Helping with the faithful few.
When at last she seeks her pillow
And beside her bed she pray,
She may breathe a prayer in silence
For some loved one far away.
Yes, the housewives that are thrifty
All who toil each day so hard,
In this world or in the next, they
All deserve a just reward.
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